Software Systems

At Virtual Blue we have taken a number of novel software systems from the planning stage through to successful, mature platforms with active revenue streams. We provide software architecture, development and ongoing maintenance services, as well as "CTO-for-hire" guidance. We manage several larger systems; however we are also happy to take on promising early stage projects - after all, that's how every successful enterprise starts!

Cost Minimising at

Cost Minimising

Through our efficient approach to project management we are able to offer some of the lowest service rates in the industry - without compromising on quality. Try it - Request a quote
Code Warranty at

Code Warranty

As standard we continue to provide support for 6 months after you have accepted the code. This includes explaining usage, performing minor adjustments and ironing out any bugs. Subject to contract terms.
Tailor Made Solutions at

Tailor Made Solutions

When evaluating your case we'll consider your individual requirements, your specific business needs and the particular problem you are facing - so we'll always propose solutions which are uniquely tailored to your situation.

Intelligent Systems

  • Virtual Blue represents a network of professional programmers who can deploy quickly to produce rapid, polished solutions.
  • Teams are assembled dynamically to match task requirements for maximum efficiency.
  • We are strategically structured to make our services as cost-effective as possible, without compromising quality.
Intelligent Systems

Banking Applications

Many banking applications are poorly designed and uncomfortable to use. Reassure your users and get a market advantage with a slick, tightly integrated solution which shouts quality and reliability.

Fintech and Crypto Systems

You are looking for innovation that sits on top of the coarse complexity of disparate financial systems and blockchain, yet is flawlessly accurate and appears seamless to the user. Fintech systems can be challenging - so why compromise on the competence of your developer? We have the skills and experience to deliver the solution you need.

E-commerce Platforms

The difference good architecture can make in a sales platform translates directly on to your bottom line. A fraction of users abandon their cart at every discontinuity in the transaction process. We can create superior sales flow dynamics to avoid these losses and maximise your returns.

Web Automation Systems

Your software application project may involve automating processes on third party websites that lack a convenient API. This can add significant value for the user in terms of workflow simplification, but the challenges of functioning reliably against websites that are not designed for this purpose - and may change frequently - need to be overcome. We have significant experience building robust systems that operate under these conditions.

Maps and Geolocation Interfaces

Accurate geospatial data, real-time tracking, detailed mapping solutions, and enhanced location-based services.

AI and Machine Learning Systems

The race is on to integrate AI into your business model! But it's important to make sure your operation is really going to benefit from it. Many misconceptions exist about the scope and applicability of AI which can translate into large development costs for little functional advantage. When we evaluate your proposed AI or ML-based project we will make sure AI is used wisely, to maximise your application's utility while minimising development and maintenance overhead.

Scrapers, Crawlers and Search Engines

Does your project involve collecting, intelligently curating and/or interpreting large quantities of data from the internet? We have considerable experience building these systems and have even developed our own customised web-scraping framework.

CRMs and Project Management Applications

Streamlined client management, dynamic project tracking, collaborative tools, and insightful performance analytics.

Scientific and Analytic Systems

Modelling data for scientific analysis requires the use of algorithms and mathematical methods which can be beyond the understanding of typical software developers. On the other hand our background is the perfect mix of scientific and programming disciplines to deliver your scientific project.

Salvage, Repair and Enhancement of Legacy Systems

We are not afraid of old code - in fact, we tend to see it as being undervalued. If you have an older system which you are struggling to understand and maintain, we can help.