Delay Proxy

A development tool for testing timeouts of requests to external services

See usage for more information

You can book a total of 12 requests here by entering the source IP address and completing the captcha. You can top up again once your requests start getting used.

To use your booked requests, instruct your application to proxy via

Please note: This proxy is http only. (https will not work).

Need to be able to book more than 12 requests at a time, or want to be able to save your history? Get in touch and we can arrange more convenient access.

The viewer is tied to your current web session. That is, don't close your browser, or you won't get to see the requests you booked! Requests will expire in 30 minutes.

Enter Source IP Address (ie the IP address where the requests will originate), or click to choose your own ip (

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How many requests do you want to book on this IP (the maximum you can book is 12)

Please enter the numbers you see in the image: