Truck Loading Animation Web Application

recent-projects - animation, dotnet, three.js, web apps


System: Web application to display an interactive 3D animation of a truck loading a specified shipment

Client: Private

Technologies: .NET core, C#, Blender, Three.js, SQL

Problem: Create a web application which loads details of a user-specified shipment from a database, and depicts that shipment loading in a user-interactive animation.

Solution: This project integrates a number of separate areas of software engineering, including web development, 3D modelling and dynamic animation. The truck trailer with backgrounds and skybox were modelled in Blender, together with the Cargo bay and truck door opening animations - and these were imported into Three.js. Camera zoom and rotation were enabled using OrbitControls.js. The cargo box loading animation was created in Three.js directly using suitable vector mathematics, and the system mounted in a .NET core based framework. Specification of the shipment to load is provided by the user via a web form.